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Jan. 16, 2013
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting/Public Hearing Minutes ---  January 16, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by chairman. Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick, Tom Daly and Ann Neuburg. PB alternate member Rick McCowan present also,

-- The board voted all in favor to approve minutes of Jan. 2, 2013
-- The board voted all in favor to approve the 2012 Planning Board Report, with the addition of “Keyes Brook” bridge in the paragraph addressing East Princeton.
-- The board voted all in favor to submit its FY’14 expense budget as “level-funded.”

7:35 PM  The Chairman opened the public hearing for Craig & Kelly Stimson, 207 Thompson Road to consider their application for a special permit for an accessory apartment under Zoning Section VII, 1.  He read the legal notice and asked the applicant to explain the project. Keith Chenot and Craig Stimson presented architectural plans and photos showing “before” and [PhotoShop] “after” views of the re-constructed ell, which houses a 1-bedroom accessory apartment. The total living area of the whole house is 3,987 sq.ft., and the accessory apartment in the ell is less than one-third of the whole house at a total 1,223 sq.ft. The chairman read comments received from Building Inspector John Wilson, who explained why a special permit was required in this project, and from Sheila Dubman of the Historical Commission who reported that her group had no issues regarding the project.
Abutters, Robert and Edna Haines, 234 Thompson Road, complained that they had not had enough time to preview the plans and claimed he had been unable to find them at Town Hall.  Mr. Haines asked that the hearing be continued. He started commenting about the history of Thompson Road, apartment buildings and land values, and voiced complaints about irrigation systems as well as fertilizers and pesticides.

8:18 PM  After some discussion, and a failure to get Mr. Haines to engage with the plans being presented,  the board voted all in favor, with the agreement of the applicants, and announced to all present, to continue the hearing until Feb. 6 at 7:35 PM.

The board discussed upcoming public hearings for Special Permit modifications being sought by AT&T, with the Thompson Road lattice tower to be scheduled first, since the applicant needs more time to arrange for coordination of representatives/owners of the two ‘flagpole’ towers.

It was noted that the Building Inspector had checked on fees for issuing an occupancy permit in absence of any construction, as occurs with pre-existing accessory apartments seeking a special permit. Marie A. will forward the fee schedule to board members.

8:32 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted
Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  
Special Permit forms and related plans for Stimson application for accessory apt.
Site Plan dated Jan. 6, 2013 and photos from Chenot Assoc. Architects
Planning Board 2012 Report

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department